Bli Bli State School Library Mural

Sports Team Mural

Primary School Mural

Suspended shipping containers within the new St Andrew's Creative Industries Building.

A mural to identify the Creative Industries Precinct on campus.

A mural painted with support by the senior art class to depict the school values.

Conceptually developed and painted with the senior art students, this mural identifies the dance and drama area on campus and reflects the school motto.

A hall way mural as you walk into the art department on campus showing the colours and energy in the area.

A hall way mural as you walk into the art department on campus showing the colours and energy in the area.

Painted and developed with the senior art classes and painted during Arts Week.

A mural to identify the Creative Industries Precinct on campus.

A visual representation of books and culture within the school library

A tribute to Maureen Hungerford who volunteered in the school canteen for over twenty years

A visual representation of books and culture within the school library

An abstract mural depicting the community, the students and staff and their connection to place

An abstract mural depicting the community, the students and staff and their connection to place

An abstract mural depicting the community, the students and staff and their connection to place

Day long workshop at Marsden State High School

Wavell State High School Project consisting of 8 outdoor murals across the Wavell State High School campus Street and urban art spray paint, pen and acrylic on external walls finished with Okon graffiti coating for protection

Wavell State High School Project consisting of 8 outdoor murals across the Wavell State High School campus Street and urban art spray paint, pen and acrylic on external walls finished with Okon graffiti coating for protection

Wavell State High School Project consisting of 8 outdoor murals across the Wavell State High School campus Street and urban art spray paint, pen and acrylic on external walls finished with Okon graffiti coating for protection

Charcoal drawn onto a tree that will wash away over time, much like the dwindling koala population

Rural landscape pool mural

Rural landscape pool mural

Pool mural of a Black Cockatoo


100 years of women in football

Collaboration with Jandamarra Cadd and You Turn

Redland Bay Floral Artistry Group helpers

Finished Mural

Large stencil mural


Indoor signage painted commercial mural

Corporate and commercial indoor urban street mural

Diamonds & Blades Hair Salon Mural Street and urban art spray paint, pen and acrylic on salon wall

Gigi Hair Hair Salon Mural Street and urban art spray paint, pen and acrylic on salon wall

Gigi Hair Hair Salon Mural Street and urban art spray paint, pen and acrylic on salon wall

TMRC Shanghai Office (China) Two floors of wall murals in the corporate offices of TMRC

TMRC Shanghai Office (China) Two floors of wall murals in the corporate offices of TMRC

TMRC Shanghai Office (China) Two floors of wall murals in the corporate offices of TMRC